Dr Supplement Reviews
Health Solutions using Natural Supplements

Women's Natural Skin Care

Review Guide for Doctor Recommended Supplements

What is Squalane and How Does it Help Skin Care?

Squalane is a component used in the formulation of cosmetic emollients and moisturizers that is almost completely non-toxic. Customers who have used squalane-based cosmetics have reported almost no irritation. It comes from a variety of plant and animal materials, including such exotic sources as shark liver. It has considerable similarities to Retinol and Vitamin A.

One reason why squalane is such a popular ingredient in cosmetics is that it resembles our skin's natural oils – particularly those we have in our skin as infants. As such it is absorbed easily, replenishing oil stores that have been depleted by daily contact with the environment and by the aging process.

Not only does squalane absorb easily into the skin, it also leaves behind a soft glow, reducing the signs of aging and making people wearing it look years younger. It makes dried out skin feel soft, moist and supple, restoring crucial nutrients that wear away each day – especially at problem areas like the elbows.

The best part about squalane is that it’s suitable for almost everyone – and is 100% hypoallergenic. It's also virtually odorless and colorless, which means you won't have some of the same unpleasant touches as other moisturizers.

However, squalane does more than just moisturize the skin. The compatibility between its components and our own natural oils helps it not just replace oils that have left the skin, but take the next step and actively heal the skin at each application.

DrArronLark.com Trilane Skin CareSo, what can it do for skin care? Instead of using bottle after bottle of synthetic lotions that feel chalky, and that dry after a few hours, you can take the first step in restoring your skin's youthful luster by applying squalane as part of your daily regimen.

The moisturizer is very simple to use. Simply press the bottle and apply several drops on your fingertips. Then, massage it into the problem areas of your skin. Before you put any makeup on top of the squalane, let it dry first. You can apply as often as you feel you need, but eventually you should be able to dial back to a daily application.

If you have any pre-existing skin diseases, or other chronic rashes, you'll want to see your primary care physician or a dermatologist before beginning a treatment cycle with squalane, or any other new cosmetic component. If you do not have any of these risk factors, though, give squalane a chance to turn back the clock for your skin.

Please seek the advice of a qualified health care practitioner before using any herbs, supplements or other natural approaches to health.

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