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DrDavidWilliams and Niacinamide

Review Guide for Doctor Recommended Supplements

What is Niacinamide?

If you combine a molecule of niacin (vitamin B3) with an amide molecule, you get niacinamide. While the difference might seem small, the result is significant, both in terms of health benefits, and side effects.

If you take large doses of niacin, one of the most common side effects you’re likely to experience are occasions where your skin “flushes” dramatically, complete with redness, heat flashes and itching.  These periods are unpredictable in occurrence and typically never last more than 15 minutes. Then they go away, and everything is back to normal again.  With niacinamide, this does not happen. Also, niacinamide helps reduce the pain associated with arthritis and side effects from early-onset Type I diabetes and niacin reduces high levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol.

Researchers first linked niacinamide and diabetes control through animal studies in the 1950’s and later confirmed that link in the 1980’s. The way that niacinamide actually fights diabetes has to do with increased sensitivity to insulin, restoration of beta cells, and increased insulin secretion.
The connection between niacinamide and arthritis is less certain at this time. A study by Drs. Abram Hoffer and William Kaufman published in 1955 showed a positive correlation between elevated niacinamide doses and amelioration of the effects of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. However, there is not enough verified follow-up research to support their findings unequivocally.

Common dietary sources of niacinamide include pork, swordfish, turkey, tuna, chicken, peanuts, beef liver, brewer’s yeast, sunflower seeds, veal, and halibut. Niacinamide also is available in supplement capsules, tablets and oral solutions, and you also can have niacinamide injections.

In addition to diabetes control and help with arthritis, niacinamide also has other benefits that have been proven. The supplement can treat pellagra (niacin deficiency – resulting in dementia and diarrhea), as well as ringing of the ears and dizziness. It also helps the digestive system, nervous system and the skin function normally, dilates your blood vessels, and can ward off premenstrual headaches. Niacinamide also serves as a catalyst in conveying energy from food to your body and in synthesizing DNA. It also joins two different co-enzymes (NADP and NAD), both of which help your body burn fats efficiently.

Niacinamide by DrDaidWilliams.comIf you have a history of liver disease, peptic ulcers or gallbladder disease, your doctor will need to monitor your condition closely while you are on the supplement, and will also need to run frequent liver function tests during treatment, as well as after you have stopped taking it.
If you are experiencing a niacinamide deficiency, you may have some or all of the following symptoms: fatigue, weak muscles, dizziness, reduced appetite, nausea and vomiting, headaches, irritability, swelling in the tongue, and a variety of skin lesions.

If you experience any of these side effects when taking niacinamide, you should call your doctor: dizziness, headache, diarrhea or abdominal pain, dry skin, vomiting or nausea. Other potential issues can include hyperglycemia (excess blood glucose) and increased levels of uric acid, which is a risk factor for gout patients.
It is recommended that you not consume alcohol when taking niacinamide. As there are many benefits, as well as side effects from taking niacinamide, the best advice is to check with your doctor before beginning any program with this supplement.

Please seek the advice of a qualified health care practitioner before using any herbs, supplements or other natural approaches to health.

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