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Fish Oil: History and Advantages

The benefits of the ingestion of fish oil capsules are many. Fish oil can enhance mental abilities. The ingestion of fish oil can increase the body’s production of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. Dopamine allows the brain to concentrate and helps in organization. Serotonin gives a sense of well being and helps the body deal with stress. Various studies have shown that fish oil may be beneficial in the treatment of heart disease, high cholesterol, depression, anxiety, ADHD, breast cancer, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s and macular degeneration, among other disorders. It is often used to aid in weight loss, skin care and pregnancy and fertility problems.

Fish oil’s first use was in the 1700s in England.  Cod was shipped back to England by boat from the New World. When the Cod were being cleaned, the offal was thrown onto the streets and it was noticed that oil oozed out of the cods’ livers. The oil was then collected from the streets and bottled. Cod Liver Oil was sold as a miracle cure for arthritis.

Fast forward to the 1980s. Manufacturers started extracting oil from the bodies of fish, rather than from the livers of fish which have high levels of Vitamin A that can be toxic in large doses. The problem with this type of rendering of oil is that anything eaten by the fish that is water-soluble remains in the oil. It also tasted as foul as cod liver oil. To get around the taste, manufacturers sold the oil in soft gelatin capsules that could easily be swallowed.

This created yet another problem. The beneficial long –chain Omega-3 fatty acids that are the reason to ingest fish oil are needed in an amount that’s equal to one tablespoon of cod liver oil. That’s eight 1 gram capsules of fish oil.  Most people were willing to take one or two capsules. Because people were not realizing any health benefits from taking one or two fish oil capsules, the fish oil craze that swept the country in the 1980 soon dissipated. 

Manufacturers now began attempting to remove impurities from fish oil. By using a process called molecular distillation, some but not all were removed. Then some of the saturated fats were removed. However, fish oil capsules were still impure.

Finally, a fish oil was created that not only delivered concentrated amounts of long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids, but was without chemical contaminants and saturated fats.

Calamarine is the next evoluation of Omega-3 and the purest levels of DHA.

Dr. Sinatra believes that EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for cardiovascular health. He also believes that they nourish your brain, lubricate joints and improve immune function and skin health. Omega Heart Fish Oil contains only the highest quality fish oil concentrate from sardines and anchovies that are fished from the deep waters of South America where environmental impurities are minimal.


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