Subscriptions to Alternative Health Newsletters
Keep up with the latest developments in nutrition
and natural health with valuable newsletters written by accomplished
doctors. Discover the benefits of natural health supplements, stay
update to with recent developments, explore doctor-reviewed news
and commentary about food, supplements, health conditions and more.
Dr. Sinatra's Heart, Health & Nutrition
Get all of Dr. Sinatra's best advice on heart health, diet
and nutrition, exercise, sex, spirituality and emotional well-being
in Dr. Sinatra's Heart, Health & Nutrition. In this incisive
monthly newsletter you'll find:
- Information on how to protect yourself from harmful drugs,
therapies, and needless medical procedures—both conventional
and alternative
- The most reliable and best-researched anti-aging tips
and information
- Techniques for maximizing your cardiovascular health
- Advice on how to live longer and enjoy a vigorous, youthful

Dr Whitaker's Health and Healing Newsletter
Vitamins, minerals, and similar natural therapies
provide valuable health benefits. But when you hear or read
about them, the news is usually filled with misinformation
or worse. But what fries me the most is that supplement makers
can’t respond by telling you what their products truly
I've been fighting for years for your right
to obtain supplements and know how to use them. Yet, every
month, I see headlines slamming another proven lifesaver.
“Calcium and Vitamin D FAIL” and so on. Can this
be true? Have we been wasting our time?
Order Newsletter Subscription Now
My answer is a resounding “No.”
I've spent over 30 years helping people live longer, healthier
lives by recommending the best in conventional medicine and
pairing that with the most powerful natural solutions available.
My patients and Health & Healing newsletter readers are
living proof that my solutions and recommendations work.
I want you to live your best life, so I continually
strive to create a newsletter and online forum that you feel
comfortable turning to for important health information and
Dr David Williams Alternatives Newsletter
In the summer of 1985 a handful of dedicated souls, fellow
doctors, researchers, and my patients, joined me in a new
venture-The Alternatives Newsletter-launched on this one simple
premise: The natural therapies already conquering disease
in other countries should be shared with people here in the
We knew that if these little-known cures could be investigated,
evaluated, and published, thousands of people could be healed,
much more than any work I could do in my own clinic.
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